Terms And Conditions Of Using This Website
This Website is dynamic. It will continually change. You may not assume that it remains the same and you agree to check these terms each time you visit the site for changes. Unless, in the sole opinion of the owner of the website, this site changes so drastically as to suggest a posted notification on the site or via email, you will receive no notification of changes to this site, nor under any circumstances, does this site promise notification. Your continued use of this site always evidences your acceptance of the terms of this site or any modifications.
Use Of Collagentex Name, Logo And Images
Collagentex and Solarmeter Australia reserves all rights in relation to the Collagentex name, logo and images of the equipment, and as such any written pamphlets, websites, store front signage or other promotional materials must have the written approval of Collagentex or Solarmeter Australia, on the understanding that this approval may be withdrawn at any time in the future by Collagentex or Solarmeter Australia.
Limitations Of Endorsement
Collagentex and Solarmeter Australia does not endorse any comments or claims made by third parties about the suitability or efficacy of particular treatments, other functions and features of the Collagentex range of products, or approve of the use of non genuine replacement parts, which may affect the safe operation of the unit, without written approval by Collagentex or Solarmeter Australia.
Collagentex and Solarmeter Australia (The Australian Distributor) shall under no circumstances be liable in anyway whatsoever to the Purchaser for any form of loss, damage or expense sustained or incurred by the Purchaser, or any other party in consequence of, or resulting directly or indirectly out of the supply and use of any device by Collagentex and Solarmeter Australia.
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