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What Is The Biological Window Of Opportunity?

The short answer is based on scientific fact...light at different wavelengths are called Photon’s, or packets of energy, and a Photon is a Photon regardless of the source of the light, as it is the actual wavelength, not the source of the light, that determines a Photon’s characteristics regarding distance travelled and depth of penetration. Light at different wavelengths penetrates the skin to different depths. The deeper the area to be treated, the longer the wavelength must be.

Wavelength of a photon is what determines the amount of energy and the penetration capability through layers of cells. Longer the wavelength; deeper penetration is possible with a limitation at around 1200 nanometres that the output begins to elevate the tissue temperature which is not desirable. 600nm to 1200nm range is the NIR that can penetrate through the cells, absorbed to biostimulate without damaging the tissue. Collagentex devices are all designed to emit photons within the optical/biologic window of opportunity to maximize the effect of the photobiomodulation.

LLLT Stands For Low Level Laser Therapy

A laser device is made to collimate a monochromatic wavelength of photons through lenses to increase the intensity to a point of quickly burning, evaporating the tissue as the surgical and dental lasers have been designed for. Biostimulation/photobiomodulation is required to deliver lower tissue temperature to prevent injury while stimulating the mitochondria to elevate ATP production and building collagen and elastin fibres for healing at cell level.

Many medical surgery laser manufacturers had to reduce their wattage for reduced output in order to offer photobiomodulation. They had to scatter the light with outer spherical lenses in order to cover larger area as the point by point laser device stimulation was taking time, tedious and expensive due to doctor's time.
Major manufacturers also realized that a single monochromatic wavelength was not able to biostimulate every layer of the cells.

That is how the word Low level Laser (LLLT) became known which is a watered down laser specifically made for photobiomodulation for pain management, tissue regeneration, skin conditioning for physiotherapists, chiropractors. Next step was to introduce devices with LED panels with totally scattered low outputs and limited wavelengths mostly used in low cost skin rejuvenations. Collagentex LLLT devices utilize the latest plasma type light diodes for effective emission of optically controlled NIR.

Cold Lasers Versus Hot Lasers

FDA has recognized that if a NIR light device does not elevate the tissue temperature while photobiomodulating in the 600nm to 1200nm range; it is considered class NHN and called cold lasers. The rest that can raise the skin temperature to over 40 degrees C are placed in heat lamp category of ILY and called hot lasers with longer wavelengths. Hot lasers also required to be classified based on risk factors. A class -4 laser means higher risk of injury, burning compared to a class 2 or class 3 laser requiring a certified operator. For photobiomodulation purposes; a Class 4-ILY listed hot laser delivers exactly the same energy as any lower class for the same results with a difference in a shorter doctors time. Collagentex low level cold laser systems deliver exactly the same daily dosage and wavelength of rays and more without the risk of a class 4 hand held laser.

Frequency, Pulsing Versus Constant Power In Lasers

All AC power systems oscillate based on local frequency 50 or 60 times /second described in Hertz. Laser device diodes have to be cooled either; by expensive means or by turning the power on and off by pulsing, oscillating to give enough time to cool for the diode to prevent premature burn outs.

Pulsing/oscillation is also used to prevent the tissue burns and allow enough time for the heat dissipation to the patients blood stream. Overall any pulsing system claims of peak wattage is an arbitrary number and does not represent the actual average power delivered to the tissue.

Actual average power is always much lower when pulsing is used. Claims of cells responding to a specific frequency is debated over the years with no serious outcome. Biostimulation results by the cell as a reaction are produced within the subsequent 48 hours, slowly and requires at least a dozen sessions within the 6 week period of time to reach to its 85 % of the maximum response which is the typical healing and collagen production time for any fibroblast.

Collagentex devices emit average 500 Watts/Module on a wide area without any pulsing claims.

Dosage Of NIR

NIR dosage calculations among the LLLT device manufacturers has to be analysed and decided based on the following information; Dosage is measured in Joules/square cm.
Intensity is measured in milliWatts/sqcm
Many experts claim the optimum dosage is 40 to 50 Joules/sqcm/day of exposure while some say even 10 Joules/day is enough to biostimulate. 100 Joules/day will biostimulate but; will not deliver any better results. If you go over 300Joules/day you may even notice diminished results.
The current science is not as clear as requiring any digital dosimetry devices. Dosage will vary depending on the skin type/colour of the patient as darker colours will absorb the photons at the outer layers and the penetration will be lower for the lower cell layers.
Fat content in the subcutaneous layers will change the amount of absorption.
Oily skins, whiter skins, creams will reflect back a sizable energy.
There are many variables not to justify the exact dosage with any digital device.
Collagentex devices will deliver app. 50 Joules/sqcm/day with a single session at 8 inches distance from the patients skin.

LLLT Device Diminishing Light Output

Laser Diode or LED diode outputs constantly diminish although; small in amounts day to day with usage. Some of the overpowered diodes may lose up to 50% of the output in less than 2000 hrs of use. Collagentex patented devices utilize easy to replace light source with recommended replacements every 30,000 minutes to prevent any undesirable losses unlike; any other in the industry.

Hands Free Use Versus Hand Held Laser Devices

Low level lasers for pain management and tissue regeneration/biostimulation purposes are usually made to run on batteries and require a certified technician or a doctor to point and energize point by point on the patients skin that demands;
Expensive doctor's time
Hand piece sterilization to prevent cross contamination between the patients
Replacement of hand pieces
Long time to treat large areas necessary to treat patients suffering from neuropathy, lymphedema.

There are devices that act as robotic devices with synchronous motors to cover the body surface resulting in long exposure times and delivering less than desirable reliability for the device due to many moving parts. Collagentex has revolutionized the Low Level Cold laser devices by offering the same photons for a large area at a distance with no mechanical movement and requiring no doctors time.